Hey guys, the Owner of FRH Games here. For the past week or so, we havnt really been getting any suggestions, so i have just been guessing, and adding my favorite games. Remember, any game that you like/play at home, and is blocked at school, I can add on! Some things to come in the future: Downloadable games (GTA, Slender, etc.),Maybe a Forum, and Chat rooms! Unfortunately  I have been trying online games to put on the website, and have been unsuccessful. I will keep trying, but no promises D:.While i cant do online games, i CAN do LAN games! So some games that I will be adding for LAN (Same network Connection: so anyone who is connected to the same wifi can play with you) will be FPS games such as Slayer, Paintball 2.0, and ANYTHING that you suggest! Thanks again everyone for the support that we have been getting, it is INCREDIBLE! Over 3.5k and counting, and cant do it without you all. 
Some of you might have noticed, but we have just hit 1000 VIEWS ON OUR WEBSITE!!! I just wanted to thank all you guys for your support in our website. We never would have thought that we would make it this far, and i cant wait until 1000 more! Make sure to keep coming on because we have lot of different plans for our website. Some things to be expecting are, More fullscreen games, ONLINE Games (Rotmg, OMGPOP, etc.) and tons of other fun stuff. Remember ,at ANY time, you can request games at the "Suggestions" Tab above. LIVE ON FRHGAMES!!!

Some of you might, or might not have known, but both FossilIsBored, and studentsallowed have been BLOCKED. So we are currently the only student ran Gaming website out there. If you are reading this and are thinking "Lets turn these guys in!". Well, We have a copy of our website, and since making a website is FREE, then we can just continue to make new ones! Also, how do you all think about the Bronco's Game tonight? Payton Manning WHOOPED the Ravens. I guess its payback from last year eh? Well thats pretty much all I wanted to talk about here, and its 11:38, and I got me some homework I need to wrap up. BUT... As always......


"What are some of your favorite games, and why?"

To be honest, I go through cycles, in other words, I play one game for a day, then annother, then onward. Today I played the Tennis Game for quite a while, just because Its a well designed game, the controls are easy, and I like tennis. Another game I like is Minecraft. It is just like legos, and there are endless possibilities. "BTW, If anyone knows how to get Minecraft at school, Leave a comment :P"

"Whats your least favorite Class and Why? Or What class do you play games in the most?"

"First off, DO NOT PLAY GAMES IN YOUR CLASS!!!!!!" Result-This website will be blocked. Our website is made for extra time, Lunch time, Time at home, etc. This website will be blocked if you all are not Keeping up on your grades, and paying attention in class! But, to answer your question, I think that History is always a challenging subject for me. Its not very interesting to learn about our
... To FRH Games. So far the website has been going well. We have hit over 300 views on the site in less than 4 days, so thats a good start. If you do not see any games you like, click HERE. Other than that, I just have a few things to say. I might be adding on Movies, but I keep telling myself, no, this is frhGAMES not frhMOVIES. Also, I hope you all enjoyed the 4 day weekend. I know I did. I mean, Honestly, Closing school becuase of HEAT?!? We all know who's getting fired tomorrow morning! xD So what do you all think? And as always...
If you have any questions, Comment them below!
"Owner, do you get jealous of other websites such as Fossilisbored, and studentsallowed"
I have never really been jealous of those websites for a couple reasons. One, I like the layout of my website. I believe that the colors, and designs on my website are unique and resemble no similaries to the other websites.And Two, I like to be friendly to the owners of the websites, and frequently ask them questions and work with them. The more people you have good relationships with, the better.

Unfortunatly, there was only one question today, so if you would like to ask me a question, the comments are Always open. See you all next time!