Some of you might have known that there is another website called FRHGaming (the name is so original). Anyways, they have quite a bit of games, but they are all from another website called Valiantgz Games, so if you are going to play "His" Games, you might as well play them on valiantgz.weebly.com . Like i have said before, i am not very intimidated from other websites because mine is just for fun. I will add any games that you guys would like in the Suggestions page. Also, if you do enjoy the games from FRHGaming, dont expect them to be around too long, because he has movies on his website, so he will most likely be suspended/expelled within 2 weeks. I have figured out how to get Minecraft, I will try to make a video on it when I get the chance. Im running out of Ideas on what to add to the website, so KEEP REQUESTING GAMES! We hit 20k views. wow. wowowowowowoww. and I wanted to thank you guys for it. Its awesome to think that you all are enjoying my website, andddddd... yeah. This update was a bit strange cause I was just thinking of stuff then typing it in. I think thats about it for this, so if you guys wanted to go watch movies, and play other games, try http://frhgaming.weebly.com/ . I am going to watch Pacific Rim, while it is unblocked! :P Cya all next time

11/14/2013 09:50:06 am

Hey, I made frhgaming, I made just so i could control what games I would like to play, not to compete or anything, Im working on finding my own embed codes for my favorite games. I like instant gratification so that is why i made my own

11/21/2013 01:14:44 am

11/14/2013 10:19:23 am

Although in the suggestions box on frhgaming.weebly.com ; I do not appreciate you implying that I am in idiot before I had chance to explain my self.

11/21/2013 01:13:34 am

Yes, although you made your own game site...It is still illegal for you to host the movies, and you never know if someone posted the URL to the MPAA for anti-internet piracy. I wouldn't try your luck.....


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